53 questions
1. whose picture is it that you keep on
your wallet?
:: none
2. what time do you go to bed?
:: whenever I CAN.
3. what was the last thing you did before
filling this
:: log onto friendster to approve someone.
4. who's the one you always meet the
:: My colleagues. *wry smile*
5. who's the person you're gonna call if
you need
:: I don't know. I honestly don't. Candice?
6. what's on your mind right now?
:: Do I have IBS? And what are lyrics to this song???
7. who's number on your speed dials?
:: no speed dial. I'm a luddite
8.with whom do you wanna be to have
:: erm, that sounds really dodgy.
9. what movie do u wanna watch now?
:: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Melinda and Melinda, Batman, Mr and Mrs Smith, Initial D, The Machinist, Downfall.
10. when was the last time you went out?
:: hmmm. last Saturday.
11. what do you hate the most for now?
:: my tummy. I think I have IBS.
12. when was the first time you slept
:: erm. I think I always have. Even when I was a baby.
13. what do you wanna do for now?
:: chillax
14. what do you do everyday besides eat
:: work. talk on the phone. shower.
15. what could piss you off?
:: an irritation that's been building up.
16. fave pet?
:: hmm. Big dogs, water-friendly cats, and anything else I might like. Snakes, chinchillas, whatever. No birds though, and NO FISH.
17. colors that make you happy?
:: creamy yellow? tangerine?
18. most fave thing in your room?
:: my bed, my CDs, my baby comp.
19. what was the last thing you bought for
:: candle-lamps from Oxfam.
20. any instruments in your room?
:: a guitar.
21. do you cook?
:: yesh. Wish I could have more time to do that!
22. miss someone?
:: many people.
23. plan to buy something?
:: how about an assurer? also, a ski holiday, a QLD holiday, food, heels.
24. are you satisfied with your life now?
:: erm, sort of.
25.do you like seafood?
:: yes.
26. breakfast or dinner?
:: dinner
27. what do you usually eat for breakfast?
:: well if I do, it's usually Chai tea from Starbucks or Hudsons if I'm working, if I'm not it's Bircher Museli and soy milk.
28. did you eat breakfast today?
:: no
29. do you recycle?
:: I try to
30. do you have a laptop?
:: no. PowerBook, come out soon! *drums fingers*
31. what's your favorite fast food?
:: sushi?
32. cats or dogs?
:: both. but a preference for bigger breeds of dogs, and friendlier breeds of cats. And if they like water, all the better.
33. salty or sweet?
:: salty
34. city or country?
35. what's your favorite kind of jeans?
:: flares. closely followed by wide-fit
36. Is kissing normal for your age?
:: *blinks* It better be.
37. are you athletic?
:: sort of.
38. do you swear?
:: oh yes I do
39. would you ditch your friends for a
:: er. haven't been on enough dates to know.
40. do you have your own cell phone?
:: yes
41. what do you wear to bed?
:: a giant tee and depending on the weather or how I'm feeling, boxer shorts or trackie daks
42. ever had a crush on a teacher?
:: NO
43. coke or pepsi?
:: coke. but I prefer non-bubbly drinks
44. sugar or spice?
:: spice
45. can you use chopsticks?
:: not correctly. Well, actually correction. I can. But it takes too much effort. and my patience lasts all of 5 seconds when all I wanna do is EAT!
46. do you like to read for pleasure?
:: yes yes yes
47. do you care about getting good
:: YES. bloody bitchy lecturer!!!
48. have you ever fallen asleep in class?
:: YES. doh. it's so embarrassing!!!
49. get a job or ask your parents for
:: get a job. I think I still need to ask my parents for money for a bit longer though. It's not feasible otherwise.
50. is your dad strict?
:: not as strict as my mum
51. do your parents give you enough
:: erm, NO.
52. do your parents trust you?
:: erm, I *think* so
53. would you trade places (in life) with
your best
:: definite no.
Shopping spree and fortune telling
people don't know what a shopping blitz is till they've met me.
Much like all other aspects of my life I'm an extremist when it comes to shopping. I don't shop for months on end, and then make up my mind all this time.
Many times, the clothes are no longer available- especially since I'm a size 8 living in the city. Size 8s are always one of the 1st sizes to go in the city. It's like all the skinny bitches shop in the city and all the normal people shop in shopping centres. Whatever.
Anyway, this time, I went on my blitz but the stakes have been upped. I've literally been dreaming of the sexiest red dress I've ever seen for months on end (Autumn/Winter Season so you can imagine how long it's been out). It's the colour that's so sexy.
It's just this unbeliveable shade of red. It's like blood red. A very very deep red, bright but not too bright so that it's not fire-engine. Deeper. Yet still very red. Very rich. Very satin.
Catch? It cost $400.
I sat on it for months, before finally walking in, to find out it wasn't in my usual sizes 1 and/or 2. Then finding out that it was available in size 2 in Sydney. (1 dress left in the whole of Australia!!!!) Problem was that size 2 doesn't fit me as well.
I thought I'd sit round and think some more. Is it fate that I can't get it? Should I let it go?
Then I literally dreamt about it last night, realised I wasn't going to ever let it go and went for broke.
I decided to try the size 0 available in store and buy it if it fit on the spot or order in the size 2.
It fit. I bought it.
Not only am I happy I have the dress, I fit a size 0!!!! YAY! it's a tiny tiny tiny bit tight but it's not like I have trouble zipping it up or anything. It's just my huge torso and ribs. Bloody ribs.
Also managed a bargain with my peacock earrings. I'd been eyeing them at a friend's sister's store for $45. I bought mine for $20. YAY!
Bought my guardian his birthday present. Now all I need to do is TALK TO THEM. *sighs* and while talking to the saleslady, it turns out that she's in ethics and communications, and that she's meeting some top copywriter of Pantene for dinner tonight, and she'll hook me up if need be.
I was like. OK! I mean, even if I get spam forevermore, if I can't stay, well then it won't matter will it? Only a month of spam, I can hack it.
This does mean that I'm BROKE though. ahhh 3-day skiing holiday! Queensland diving!!!! NOOOOO!!!!! I think I'm gonna have to call off diving and do that another time when I'm earning pots of money
****Erlin read my palm today because I asked her. Apparently she's freakishly accurate about your past and present (hence by insinuation about your future) and about the entire store has had their palms read by her.
She's been right every single time- even the boss has had his palm read by her. And she's said some quite unhappy home truths about people, and yet she's been right, like when she read someone's palm and said, "The person you're with right now. You don't really love them. You love someone else, and you should go after that person" and the someone actually didn't say anything and looked rather disturbed instead.
I mean, it's normally the fruitcakes we associate with palm reading and all that, but she's been accurate thus far, so I thought I'd ask her to read mine for some fun and laughter.
Take note she doesn't know much about me. She was right. Again. She looked really puzzled when staring at my palm though, as if she didn't know what to make of it before finally telling me everything as a series of questions because it was like she'd discovered a new side to me she'd never seen before.
"You've had to make a lot of very tough decisions on your own from a very young age. Why?"
She was right. and I simply told her I've been here since I was 14. DUH. Of course she doesn't know about my numerous crusades and campaigns, my tough choices I've made and the little private non-published rant I have on this blog about how I feel 84 because I seem to have to make things happen all by myself all the time. She didn't ask, I didn't tell her.
Then she looked even more puzzled. Smoothing my hand with hers and furrowing her brow before saying
"And you have alot of admirers. But you keep turning them down. Why? They're not just admirers. They seem to be in love with you"
I choked back a laugh. "Things just don't really work out I guess" I tell her.
I haven't told her any of this, and no one at work really knows half a thing about my love life.
She peers at my palm again. "You're getting married at 28"
I recoil. "I DON'T WANT TO GET MARRIED!!!!!"
Linda's there and she laughs. "That's 4 years."
I yell back "FIVE! I HAVE FIVE!!!"
Linda laughs. She's never seen me so panicky before.
"and you'll have one kid" I accept this possibility. I've always intended to adopt one from a 3rd world country.
Then she looks really puzzled again. You're gonna climb the career ladder really really quickly no matter what you do.
I take that as a good sign. I wonder if my palm will change overnight if I decide to embark on a singing career.
You have a potential to be really really rich, but you may not. She points to a fork in my money line. It's not really a fork because the left fork is atcually a part of a semi-loop between my 2nd and 4th fingers, but she percieves it as thus.
You'll never be hungry though.
You'll either keep earning until you're really comfortable and reasonably rich and then stop, or you'll just keep on going. You have the potential to be very very rich she says because of this line, she points to my equally faint line heading straight up my third finger. Power and money she says.
I nod thinking about it. She says no matter I'll be rich, it's just a matter of how much.
I feel slightly better after my shopping binge. More money to come. That's alright by me. So long as i'm not hungry for the rest of my life.
I feel comfortable about that.
Well, if any of it comes true that is.
I'm a tightwad
remembered there's a better way. Upload images to deviantart account. Go to school.
Burn CD using school's DVD burner.
Listening to: Just Jack- Snowflakes (Cured by Temple of Joy)
listening to: Primitive Radio Gods- Standing Outside a Broken Phonebooth with Change in my Hand
remind me.
wah lau eh
while my gaydar is pretty alright for gays (what with me being fag haggy and all) I have a wonky one for lesbians. Unless they're on the masculine/active/butch/dyke side. In fact even then, it's pretty wonky.
I guess it's because I really don't give a shit about a person's sexual orientation and I know this sounds so try-hard and cliched but it's true.
I mean, obviously I'm going to give a shit if some Aussie dyke with multiple facial piercings and leather chaps comes up to me and tries to give me some feminist bullshit (no offense to the feminists, but 1st and 2nd waves aren't really my thing although very valid. I just don't have much passion). But that's because of ther personality. It doesn't gel with mine, hence I don't roll with them.
If any friends of mine were to say "yeah, I'm homo" I'm not going to run away screaming "AHHHHHHH you fucking faggot!!!!!!"
more like,
"ah yeah, ok. So what did you want to order again? The gnocchi or the ravioli?"
NON-ISSUE. but then. THEN! (and there is always a but is there not?)
Not only does my mother think I'm lesbian because I'm not bringing good (-looking) Chinese boys home, my gay friends think I might just be lesbian, and gerri my fag-haggy best friend in Melbourne is actually
trying to turn me into one because she wants a lesbian friend to add to her collection of gay men.
NOW it seems, even lesbians think I
could be lesbian.
to use a Singlish euphemism, WAH LAO EH.
The good news is that I'm unequivocally a femme despite displaying some active characteristics. *laughs*
well. *ponders* let's put it this way. Boobs do nothing for me although hot women as a whole sometimes do. Does that make sense?
Angelina Jolie is hot hot hot. Her boobs however, are like...yeah ok. I have boobs too. Maybe they're not as pretty as yours (although I've been told they're a bit of an alright) but meh! and no, I most certainly do not suffer from boob envy, which most straight women seem to suffer from.
Body dysmorphia yes, boob envy no.
Meh. I still don't know what it is about me that gives off a lesbian vibe. My sparkling wit and personality perchance?
alright all you fag friends. TELL ME!!!!
randomised II
- two nights ago I also accidentally on purpose bumped into some Scotchies.
- who were either on their way, or already stone rolicking drunk, or very very happy on pills
- they were the first scotchies I'd ever met since I've graduated
- they were also the first people I'd seen mixing alcohol and pills
- and they were also the first people I'd seen do pills in over a year
- I was very very amused
- they knew I was amused
- they said it was like it was a spectator sport, and I was the spectator
- they were right.
- I have a deep dark dirty secret
- I come from their sister school
- but I don't like to admit it
- and most people can't tell I come from their sister school because I don't act it
- I like this relative anonymynity
- Yesterday I spoke the most Singlish I've spoken in months
- my tongue now feels curled over and doubled up because it's been contorted in ways it's not used to
- I enjoyed speaking Singlish despite the little voice in my head laughing at my heinous attempts
- I don't know what to get for an Indian engagment present where I know both the bride and groom
randomise me baby
- I met two bloggers today, one is my cousin's friend, ther other used to take a blasted 9am class with me last sem and we used to be far to grumpy to talk to each other in real time.
- They're both cool. One's a lot prettier in real life, the other is alot chattier. And. We're both fag hags! We spent 5hrs straight talking to each other.
- I still have to think of an engangement pressie. and it's tomorrow!
- I've been feeling really spewy of late. and I don't know why.
- Rejoice! All that 4kg in 1 month talk is not real! It was just my period! It seems I have broken all barriers. My customary 2.5kg bloat is now up to 4kg!!!
- Rejoice!! The P-paper didn't affect my marks *too* badly- I scored a 73 overall. Good enough for me to score a distinction.
- Rejoice!!! one of my cousins may be sponsoring me!!! (and she's over 4 years younger)
- Amy is leaving in 2 days. *sighs*
"mis u im late for plane runing no need to reply here anyth just ************* u made me fall in love wit MLBRN. Bye for now"
Thank you. It's beginning to hit hard. So hard.
Closing time - time for you to go out, go out into the world.
Closing time - turn the lights up over every boy and every girl.
Closing time - one last call for alcohol, so finish your whiskey or beer.
Closing time - you don't have to go home but you can't stay here.
Drink up, drink up. It's time to go. Go out into the world. Step outside the frail paper door and into the realm of realityI know who I want to take me home.
I know who I want to take me home.
I know who I want to take me home.
Take me home...
These past 8 and half years are a dream. I am closing in. Closing into a little tea ball. Turning into a grey tea ball.
from chotda @ flickr, blog at scentofgreenbananas
Closing time - time for you to go back to the places you will be from.
Closing time - this room won't be open 'til your brothers or you sisters
So gather up your jackets, and move it to the exits - I hope you have found a friend.
Closing time - every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.
and yet where I am from is hardly where I am now. Yeah, I know who I want to take me home.
I know who I want to take me home.
I know who I want to take me home.
Take me home...
Closing time - time for you to go back to the places you will be from...
I know who I want to take me home.
I know who I want to take me home.
I know who I want to take me home.
Take me home...
I want home to take me in. and yet I feel the beginnings of wanderlust again. My nomadic ways seem to crave a base from which to roam, and yet it can't decide on where to base in the first place.Closing time - every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
and as I draw the screen on this end, I realise I understand that it's fate. That there are bigger and better things waiting. New countries to call home- for a little while. Things to do, places to travel, the bitter yet sweet tang of life to sample.
Everyone fears change, and in my world, the change is stagnancy. Regression. No more change.
my notes on feedback to your presentation (29/4/05) were that you needed to develop brand architecture and ID using Aaker's Brand ID and Spectrum, ID Elaboration and role models. After **** marked your paper I reviewed it and found that your final paper did not address these points in a comprehensive manner. You provided a lot of descriptive work but the ID and architecture were not developed. The resultant grade of P will not be changed.
*sighs* ok. obtuseness seems to be forte it seems. Perhaps I presented everything as fact instead of stating "the author posits".
At least I know I tried and I now know what preperations I have to make.
just watched
Crash last night.
Excellent. just a tiny bit try-hard...but with material like that, it's hard not to come across as try-hard unless you made a dark satire. At points it did indeed go down the self-referential/ironic track with Ludacris spouting some line about how rappers are just yet more symbols and reinforcement of black oppression although if you didn't know it was Ludacris, the whole thing was extremely in character without irony. And he's a pretty decent actor on top of it all.
An understated cast of A-listers, the star turn was Matt Dillon; kudos to Brendan Fraser for not looking like a dumb jock for once. And there I was thinking that the permanently vacant look in his eyes was real.
Disturbing, depressing and uplifting all at the same time.
Random Post #856907865097865097
Bec's evil fashion side comes to fore:Of all the big fashion houses, I used to really like Gucci because of Tom Ford. But now he's gone, I really like the understated elegance of Chanel. Armani ain't bad too (despite being out of fashion atm) and some lesser known ones (the likes of Oscar De La Renta) are really really beginning to grow on me.
Matthew Williamson is a tad too colourful although I like the designs, and I really. Like. Third Millenium. Scanlan and Theodore is good too, especially some of their slightly different accessories.
For his concepts, I LOVE Alexander McQueen, and if there were ever a coffee table book of his work, I'd buy it once I got a place.
Still do not like Chloe and I don't know why. (nor have I seen their supposedly to die for jeans) Sass and Bide have always been a little too er, metallic glam and Alannah Hill has some good stuff occassionaly, but most of it far too frou-frou. Love the earrings that they stock from some independent designer though. Seahorses down my shoulder? Sign me in!
All in all I've realised my tastes haven't changed much since I was a kid. I still like it simple but sexy and feminine enough with a twist of lime. I still hate loud patterns and florals and a huge fan of monochrome.
simple, sleek but sexy.
and all this talk is making me want to shop. *sighs*
Actually, I'm 84
You Are 32 Years Old |
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
Jess, Fits and
Clem may act all teenyboppy, but I know better! bwahahahahha.
"My head hurts. Can we go back to bukkake talk?"
nee hee hee hee hee hee
FINALLY caught up with gerri last night, (after at least a MONTH- DAMMIT) and found out she's watched Team America too.
Now THAT was really bad. Because I'd told WhiteTrash that I'd seen it already and we were making Kim Jong Il jokes all the way through, and now Gerri's joined the melee.
She walked straight in to work today and went "HERRO!" in that black-attitude/cool-girl kinda way and WhiteTrash promptly smacked coffee down on the table so hard it splashed everywhere.
Which paved the way to an entire day of Team America jokes (including FiloTom making sleazy takes on it). Well. At least we've moved on from Russell Peters jokes.
Went for dinner at the divine Regina's and one of the waitresses there decided to make a Max Brenner face in the latte foam. We took pics but because I have a Nokia and Nokia's aren't luddite friendly I can't show you. boo.
Song In My Head: Foo Fighters- Best of You (Drave Grohl possibly possesses the best windpipes of any drummer)
Listening to: Mandy Moore- The Way to my Heart
and yes, it makes for very discordant brainwaves.
classical music
It's really really odd but I've been having classical music in my head all day.
Thing is, it's not just one song, but a few. Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven. Very very very odd. It's particularly weird when you hear
Liszt in your head and you simultaneously recall your textbooks (paraphrased) "Liszt was considered a rogue in his time, inciting women to faint in droves. A showman, he used to walk on stage clinking with chains." and can actually see accompanying pictures in your head. (courtesy of texbooks)
source: http://www.peoples.ru/love/liszt/Cue fainting scene from
and me trying not to giggle while doing work.
harebrained excuses of an atas
I seem to be very whingy of late, and I don't like it. (and even that's a whinge)
There are so many blessings to count and all I do is immerse myself in self-righteous self-pity. RIGHT.
I've started full time at work, and I'm already sliding down the slippery slope to inevitable madness. That said, we have a hopeless new manager and at the moment I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt because she's NEW and our store rakes in the most revenue by close to the hundreds of thousands (we make more in our one store than all the stores in Sydney combined) and she's not used to the pace or the orders LA LA LA LA LA . BLAH.
I don't want to whine but sometimes I fear I'll turn into WhiteTrash, who got so angry with bottled up rage one day she had a stomachache. and she whines and STILL gets the tummyache.
I mean, she's a TERRIBLE manager. Half the time its WhiteTrash and I who c0-manage the bloody place. and as Linda said, in the one year she's known me she's NEVER seen me pissed off. (not at staff anyway, and I deal with customers extremely politely even if they are the most heinous creatures to traipse past this little corner of the earth) And NOW, I AM PISSED OFF. I normally don't get pissed off AT people but the stuff they do. Something I learnt from my guardians. But this woman. It's a part of her personality that makes her such a bad manager.
as a manager you don't disappear for more than 10min past your allocated break because you want to have dinner with your boyfriend whom YOU LIVE WITH. You don't make sorry excuses about not wanting to open the shop because your boy comes home late at night and you 'can't sleep before him'. And you most certainly don't. go. on. your. break. before. other. members. of. staff.
I gave up my bloody fucking break because she went on hers. I willingly did this of course, because she did offer me and tell me to go....when there were about 10 coffees to make AND NO ONE ELSE TO MAKE THEM. I mean, there was one girl, but in the time she takes to make ONE, I've made THREE. I saw her do it and went...."right" no way in hell.
Even the dishy hates her! He kept repeating and repeating about not being sent on break, and asking if I'd had mine. and it was SO obvious I was running the store that everyone came to me for answers instead of her. Even things she SHOULD know since the system is EXACTLY the same in Sydney, like how our micros till system works and shit.
She just simply can't manage. and I don't want to look like I'm challenging her or trying to run the show and steal her limelight, but when I can't take it and make really really really diplomatic suggestions
"Hey, do you think we could ask X from the shop to come over and help? I think we might really need some at the moment"(cue frenzied chaos on floor, dishes upon dirty dishes on each and every table, including the occupied ones where new customers are looking increasingly irate, AND a mountain of food and drinks sitting on the counter waiting to be served AND staff frantically running around looking like they're about to either burst into tears at any moment, or a panicked hunted look like they want to be in about 5 places at one time, one of them being very very very far away from the store)
she turns it down with some HAREBRAINED reason.
And she's SO LAZY!
I mean, it takes SKILL to be so freaking. lazy.
We're busting our proverbial balls and she's standing in shop STARING AT HER NAILS.
and she hates floor, only does dessert (slowly), and has (I repeat) NO MANAGING SKILLS WHATSOEVER.
What does this mean? It means, I make the coffee, help her on dessert and THEN run out on floor to RUN THE FOOD. THEN. come back in again to repeat steps ad nauseum. (and at the same time try to comfort poor on the verge of tears staff)
I could go on and name more incidents and even more ANNOYING specifics but I think it'd reveal too much so I shall shut up now on that aspect but honestly *jumps up and down and goes ballistic*
Again. I think she's new and she needs some experience but it's not fucking fair on WhiteTrash and I to be managing the store and having to deal with her trying to act all "I'm boss" and not allow us to TRY AND HELP HER.
I've even brought the issue up with her in person because I believe there's no use (and it's extremely bitchy) to just bottle it all up, bitch amongst ourselves and she hasn't got a clue as to the discontent- So I've brought certain (more annoying things) up with her to see what her reasons are and sheesh. some of them are....are....*sighs*
Honestly, it's so bad that when I finally went on my break (for 10min IN STORE because I didn't trust anybody) everyone cheered and clapped that I was finally going on break.
I lied.
I was so peeved about it, I couldn't sleep last night.
I thought more about it, spent 1hour poring over the comments and realised that while I certainly DO
NOT deserve a fantastic mark (Another HD+ is out of the question), I certainly do not deserve a P.
I'll admit to many of the points she made (sloppy referencing, bad formatting due to printers) but she didn't realise what I was trying to do, or understand that we had based our entire assignments on a TEMPLATE. (which the lecturer wanted)
I also undestand that I OBVIOUSLY didn't make my case clear if an outside marker could not understand my paper. HOWEVER. She was pretty punitive to the point of being ridiculous in some areas like
"In order to understand the branding of Tourism Queensland, one must first acquaint oneself with the idea of destination branding" <--- WHY?well, because Tourism Queensland is a destination! I reckon that's pretty self-explanatory and to explain it would be an insult to the reader AND take up more precious word count. ALSOshe did not see my presentation. While the rest of my class did one aspect of the book, and made recommendations based on it, I did that aspect to BUILD a second aspect of the book
from scratch, and it was this 2nd aspect that she labeled (and that's an entire third of my paper)
"IRRELEVANT"Holy cow. I'm getting more and more and more peeved.
I'm asking for a re-mark. I'll take my chances since I can't possibly score any lower than a P can I. p/s did I mention that the HD+ subject and the P subject are both taught by the SAME LECTURER????????
1st and last whinge on this result
I got my advanced paper marked by an outside lecturer who doesn't know that we based our assignments on a BOOK TEMPLATE.
And she didn't see our presentations and didn't know what went in there. Basically, she didn't realise why alot of things were included and couldn't see the reason.
I'll admit I don't deserve a particularly good mark after she pointed out the formatting (I sent it to a printers for colour printing but it screwed up the page breaks) and the reference typos (I obvioiusly didn't spell check it) as well as problems with referencing. Apparently I've been doing it wrong all these years.
I really could have spent more time cleaning it up and all, and certainly the referencing typos should not be there- but to accuse of of non-critical thinking? GAH.
Whatever the case, there were alot of things that she marked us down on because they were based on the book. And Gordon (the lecturer) even apologised, saying he didn't teach the course the way it was meant to be.
STILL!. I find it quite annoying that I have an HD+ (over 90%) in one subject and a P (50 odd) in the other.
It says that our marks are going to be moderated- and it bloody better be!
skitter scatter
and so it is, my last exam.
For now that is.
Exam from Hell: The ReturnWhatever the case, we're done.
and like autumn leaves, we're scattering across the globe in the same time it takes to change seasons.
Listening to: Elton John- Cold Cold Heart/Faye Wong- Wishing We Last Forever

conspiracy update.
this one's one of the best written so far. Man, I'm splitting my sides laughing.
clive owen
admittedly not the best looker around- but then again I have strange tastes, since I don't find Brad Pitt appealing- he is nonetheless moving up my "sexy man list".
He grows on you like aphids on papayas.
The HireCan't wait for Sin City even more now. He's there with another guy who grew on me- Bruce Willis. Ever since Bruce stopped playing stupid Die Hard cops, he's really grown on me too. not sure how exactly sexy he is though.
Listening to: BT- Dreaming [evolution remix]
I am in Australia, and there is no Gutnick Law (yet) so I dunch care. *adopts extremely Singaporean accent*
Dunch care means dunch care. Link then link lor... (besides, there's no technocrati tag to this blog- which is what they're using to track all the
paranoia postings)
I am a material girl
forgive me. I've just come from an exam from HELL. these thoughts keep me going. my newest bullshit wishlist whimsy (black ones aren't me being serious)-Creative Zen Jukebox 60GB (because it's got the biggest memory out there- there's some weirdass brand doing 80GB but I don't trust it)
- 2 mp3 equivalents of a TiVo (one for my mp3 collection, one for a BACKUP- if I had my way, I'd have an mp3 storage of a GAZILLION GB)
-Tiffany's teardrop pendant/bangle/earrings/ring (but especially the pendant)
-earrings from that place in the GPO
-a powerbook (but I'm willing to wait if a magic G8 suddenly appears) wireless and bluetooth!
-PR-Canturi diamonds or
Shaune Leane stuff(HAHAHAHA!!!! I'M
REALLY NOT SERIOUS ABOUT THIS ONE...well, unless you're my parents. HA! that's even funnier. [no I'm not serious in the slightest])
-Tracie Matyn Serum
-Time to watch movies from my movies to watch list. (must make that list- up there with books to read list)
-A refund from Guess for that shitty belt that broke the 1st time I put it on-Red Curtain Trilogy Box Set-Lifetime credit at ANY CD store-Flickr Pro-A decent digicam SLR. (is that an oxymoron?)-Prague/Nepal/Russia/Spain/Portugal holiday-manymany more that I thought of to keep myself calm outside the exam room.
I've come to realise I am paranoid about electronic stuff because it's not tactile. I can lose it to some evil insiduous bug overnight, or I could face the blue screen of death at
ANYTIMEATALL, or, or, OR! my computer could just magically not start up one day. (it happened once. I was flipping like nothing you've ever seen- the fuse box had blown) and we all know that files have a way of migically disappearing every once so often.
I have the album pumping through my ears at the moment. and I think I have a great love for britrock/pop. Not as in the 90s stuff, although that is phenomenal- but overall. I mean, I loved Blur, loved SOME Oasis songs, worshipped The Verve, laughed together with Catatonia, had drive time with The Cardigans, moshed and emoed to Garbage, and giggled at Space. Oh. and who can forget Suede.
There's something about the dramatic inherent in UK music somehow. (Andreas Johnsson captured it perfectly with Glorious despite him being Scandinavian) Starsailor has melancholy and operatic drama all wrapped up in a grungy, skinny sounding voice.
It's the same with Snow Patrol, Keane, Coldplay, Travis, Damien Rice (who's not exactly britpop OR rock but extremely drama) yadda yadda yadda. Maybe it's their use of piano and violins. Somehow they manage to pull it together with a rock sensibility, and not sound like male Tori Amos-es and Sarah McLachlans. Maybe it's their crisp(y) Brit/UK accents.
I mean obviously there's more to the UK than britpop (George, Elton, Mick(?), Eric, electronica, 80s stuff) but since I'm talking about Britpop I'll keep it at britpop.
I could go on so I'll just shut up now. I've decided that if I were to ever to complile a list of my favourite acts in EACH genre, I'd have an encyclopedia.
changed track to: Tori Amos- Northern Lad.