Friday, June 24, 2005

wah lau eh

while my gaydar is pretty alright for gays (what with me being fag haggy and all) I have a wonky one for lesbians. Unless they're on the masculine/active/butch/dyke side. In fact even then, it's pretty wonky.

I guess it's because I really don't give a shit about a person's sexual orientation and I know this sounds so try-hard and cliched but it's true.

I mean, obviously I'm going to give a shit if some Aussie dyke with multiple facial piercings and leather chaps comes up to me and tries to give me some feminist bullshit (no offense to the feminists, but 1st and 2nd waves aren't really my thing although very valid. I just don't have much passion). But that's because of ther personality. It doesn't gel with mine, hence I don't roll with them.

If any friends of mine were to say "yeah, I'm homo" I'm not going to run away screaming "AHHHHHHH you fucking faggot!!!!!!"

more like,

"ah yeah, ok. So what did you want to order again? The gnocchi or the ravioli?"


but then. THEN! (and there is always a but is there not?)

Not only does my mother think I'm lesbian because I'm not bringing good (-looking) Chinese boys home, my gay friends think I might just be lesbian, and gerri my fag-haggy best friend in Melbourne is actually trying to turn me into one because she wants a lesbian friend to add to her collection of gay men.

NOW it seems, even lesbians think I could be lesbian.


to use a Singlish euphemism, WAH LAO EH.

The good news is that I'm unequivocally a femme despite displaying some active characteristics. *laughs*

well. *ponders* let's put it this way. Boobs do nothing for me although hot women as a whole sometimes do. Does that make sense?

Angelina Jolie is hot hot hot. Her boobs however, are like...yeah ok. I have boobs too. Maybe they're not as pretty as yours (although I've been told they're a bit of an alright) but meh! and no, I most certainly do not suffer from boob envy, which most straight women seem to suffer from.

Body dysmorphia yes, boob envy no.

Meh. I still don't know what it is about me that gives off a lesbian vibe. My sparkling wit and personality perchance?

alright all you fag friends. TELL ME!!!!


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