Wednesday, June 29, 2005

53 questions

1. whose picture is it that you keep on
your wallet?
:: none

2. what time do you go to bed?
:: whenever I CAN.

3. what was the last thing you did before
filling this
:: log onto friendster to approve someone.

4. who's the one you always meet the
:: My colleagues. *wry smile*

5. who's the person you're gonna call if
you need
:: I don't know. I honestly don't. Candice?

6. what's on your mind right now?
:: Do I have IBS? And what are lyrics to this song???

7. who's number on your speed dials?
:: no speed dial. I'm a luddite

8.with whom do you wanna be to have
:: erm, that sounds really dodgy.

9. what movie do u wanna watch now?
:: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Melinda and Melinda, Batman, Mr and Mrs Smith, Initial D, The Machinist, Downfall.

10. when was the last time you went out?
:: hmmm. last Saturday.

11. what do you hate the most for now?
:: my tummy. I think I have IBS.

12. when was the first time you slept
:: erm. I think I always have. Even when I was a baby.

13. what do you wanna do for now?
:: chillax

14. what do you do everyday besides eat
:: work. talk on the phone. shower.

15. what could piss you off?
:: an irritation that's been building up.

16. fave pet?
:: hmm. Big dogs, water-friendly cats, and anything else I might like. Snakes, chinchillas, whatever. No birds though, and NO FISH.

17. colors that make you happy?
:: creamy yellow? tangerine?

18. most fave thing in your room?
:: my bed, my CDs, my baby comp.

19. what was the last thing you bought for
:: candle-lamps from Oxfam.

20. any instruments in your room?
:: a guitar.

21. do you cook?
:: yesh. Wish I could have more time to do that!

22. miss someone?
:: many people.

23. plan to buy something?
:: how about an assurer? also, a ski holiday, a QLD holiday, food, heels.

24. are you satisfied with your life now?
:: erm, sort of. you like seafood?
:: yes.

26. breakfast or dinner?
:: dinner

27. what do you usually eat for breakfast?
:: well if I do, it's usually Chai tea from Starbucks or Hudsons if I'm working, if I'm not it's Bircher Museli and soy milk.

28. did you eat breakfast today?
:: no

29. do you recycle?
:: I try to

30. do you have a laptop?
:: no. PowerBook, come out soon! *drums fingers*

31. what's your favorite fast food?
:: sushi?

32. cats or dogs?
:: both. but a preference for bigger breeds of dogs, and friendlier breeds of cats. And if they like water, all the better.

33. salty or sweet?
:: salty

34. city or country?

35. what's your favorite kind of jeans?
:: flares. closely followed by wide-fit

36. Is kissing normal for your age?
:: *blinks* It better be.

37. are you athletic?
:: sort of.

38. do you swear?
:: oh yes I do

39. would you ditch your friends for a
:: er. haven't been on enough dates to know.

40. do you have your own cell phone?
:: yes

41. what do you wear to bed?
:: a giant tee and depending on the weather or how I'm feeling, boxer shorts or trackie daks

42. ever had a crush on a teacher?
:: NO

43. coke or pepsi?
:: coke. but I prefer non-bubbly drinks

44. sugar or spice?
:: spice

45. can you use chopsticks?
:: not correctly. Well, actually correction. I can. But it takes too much effort. and my patience lasts all of 5 seconds when all I wanna do is EAT!

46. do you like to read for pleasure?
:: yes yes yes

47. do you care about getting good
:: YES. bloody bitchy lecturer!!!

48. have you ever fallen asleep in class?
:: YES. doh. it's so embarrassing!!!

49. get a job or ask your parents for
:: get a job. I think I still need to ask my parents for money for a bit longer though. It's not feasible otherwise.

50. is your dad strict?
:: not as strict as my mum

51. do your parents give you enough
:: erm, NO.

52. do your parents trust you?
:: erm, I *think* so

53. would you trade places (in life) with
your best
:: definite no.


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