Wednesday, June 08, 2005

1st and last whinge on this result

I got my advanced paper marked by an outside lecturer who doesn't know that we based our assignments on a BOOK TEMPLATE.

And she didn't see our presentations and didn't know what went in there. Basically, she didn't realise why alot of things were included and couldn't see the reason.

I'll admit I don't deserve a particularly good mark after she pointed out the formatting (I sent it to a printers for colour printing but it screwed up the page breaks) and the reference typos (I obvioiusly didn't spell check it) as well as problems with referencing. Apparently I've been doing it wrong all these years.

I really could have spent more time cleaning it up and all, and certainly the referencing typos should not be there- but to accuse of of non-critical thinking? GAH.

Whatever the case, there were alot of things that she marked us down on because they were based on the book. And Gordon (the lecturer) even apologised, saying he didn't teach the course the way it was meant to be.

STILL!. I find it quite annoying that I have an HD+ (over 90%) in one subject and a P (50 odd) in the other.


It says that our marks are going to be moderated- and it bloody better be!


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