Saturday, June 11, 2005

harebrained excuses of an atas

I seem to be very whingy of late, and I don't like it. (and even that's a whinge)

There are so many blessings to count and all I do is immerse myself in self-righteous self-pity. RIGHT.

I've started full time at work, and I'm already sliding down the slippery slope to inevitable madness. That said, we have a hopeless new manager and at the moment I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt because she's NEW and our store rakes in the most revenue by close to the hundreds of thousands (we make more in our one store than all the stores in Sydney combined) and she's not used to the pace or the orders LA LA LA LA LA . BLAH.

I don't want to whine but sometimes I fear I'll turn into WhiteTrash, who got so angry with bottled up rage one day she had a stomachache. and she whines and STILL gets the tummyache.

I mean, she's a TERRIBLE manager. Half the time its WhiteTrash and I who c0-manage the bloody place. and as Linda said, in the one year she's known me she's NEVER seen me pissed off. (not at staff anyway, and I deal with customers extremely politely even if they are the most heinous creatures to traipse past this little corner of the earth) And NOW, I AM PISSED OFF. I normally don't get pissed off AT people but the stuff they do. Something I learnt from my guardians. But this woman. It's a part of her personality that makes her such a bad manager.

as a manager you don't disappear for more than 10min past your allocated break because you want to have dinner with your boyfriend whom YOU LIVE WITH. You don't make sorry excuses about not wanting to open the shop because your boy comes home late at night and you 'can't sleep before him'. And you most certainly don't. go. on. your. break. before. other. members. of. staff.


I gave up my bloody fucking break because she went on hers. I willingly did this of course, because she did offer me and tell me to go....when there were about 10 coffees to make AND NO ONE ELSE TO MAKE THEM. I mean, there was one girl, but in the time she takes to make ONE, I've made THREE. I saw her do it and went...."right" no way in hell.

Even the dishy hates her! He kept repeating and repeating about not being sent on break, and asking if I'd had mine. and it was SO obvious I was running the store that everyone came to me for answers instead of her. Even things she SHOULD know since the system is EXACTLY the same in Sydney, like how our micros till system works and shit.

She just simply can't manage. and I don't want to look like I'm challenging her or trying to run the show and steal her limelight, but when I can't take it and make really really really diplomatic suggestions

"Hey, do you think we could ask X from the shop to come over and help? I think we might really need some at the moment"

(cue frenzied chaos on floor, dishes upon dirty dishes on each and every table, including the occupied ones where new customers are looking increasingly irate, AND a mountain of food and drinks sitting on the counter waiting to be served AND staff frantically running around looking like they're about to either burst into tears at any moment, or a panicked hunted look like they want to be in about 5 places at one time, one of them being very very very far away from the store)

she turns it down with some HAREBRAINED reason.

And she's SO LAZY!

I mean, it takes SKILL to be so freaking. lazy.

We're busting our proverbial balls and she's standing in shop STARING AT HER NAILS.

and she hates floor, only does dessert (slowly), and has (I repeat) NO MANAGING SKILLS WHATSOEVER.

What does this mean? It means, I make the coffee, help her on dessert and THEN run out on floor to RUN THE FOOD. THEN. come back in again to repeat steps ad nauseum. (and at the same time try to comfort poor on the verge of tears staff)


I could go on and name more incidents and even more ANNOYING specifics but I think it'd reveal too much so I shall shut up now on that aspect but honestly *jumps up and down and goes ballistic*

Again. I think she's new and she needs some experience but it's not fucking fair on WhiteTrash and I to be managing the store and having to deal with her trying to act all "I'm boss" and not allow us to TRY AND HELP HER.

I've even brought the issue up with her in person because I believe there's no use (and it's extremely bitchy) to just bottle it all up, bitch amongst ourselves and she hasn't got a clue as to the discontent- So I've brought certain (more annoying things) up with her to see what her reasons are and sheesh. some of them are....are....*sighs*

Honestly, it's so bad that when I finally went on my break (for 10min IN STORE because I didn't trust anybody) everyone cheered and clapped that I was finally going on break.



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