Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I am a material girl

forgive me. I've just come from an exam from HELL. these thoughts keep me going.

my newest bullshit wishlist whimsy (black ones aren't me being serious)

-Creative Zen Jukebox 60GB (because it's got the biggest memory out there- there's some weirdass brand doing 80GB but I don't trust it)
- 2 mp3 equivalents of a TiVo (one for my mp3 collection, one for a BACKUP- if I had my way, I'd have an mp3 storage of a GAZILLION GB)
-Tiffany's teardrop pendant/bangle/earrings/ring (but especially the pendant)
-earrings from that place in the GPO
-a powerbook (but I'm willing to wait if a magic G8 suddenly appears) wireless and bluetooth!
-Canturi diamonds or Shaune Leane stuff(HAHAHAHA!!!! I'M REALLY NOT SERIOUS ABOUT THIS ONE...well, unless you're my parents. HA! that's even funnier. [no I'm not serious in the slightest])
-Tracie Matyn Serum
-Time to watch movies from my movies to watch list. (must make that list- up there with books to read list)
-A refund from Guess for that shitty belt that broke the 1st time I put it on
-Red Curtain Trilogy Box Set
-Lifetime credit at ANY CD store
-Flickr Pro
-A decent digicam SLR. (is that an oxymoron?)
-Prague/Nepal/Russia/Spain/Portugal holiday
-manymany more that I thought of to keep myself calm outside the exam room.

I've come to realise I am paranoid about electronic stuff because it's not tactile. I can lose it to some evil insiduous bug overnight, or I could face the blue screen of death at ANYTIMEATALL, or, or, OR! my computer could just magically not start up one day. (it happened once. I was flipping like nothing you've ever seen- the fuse box had blown) and we all know that files have a way of migically disappearing every once so often.


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