Sunday, April 10, 2005

moley moley moley mole!

I've had moles for as long as I remember. I have too many to count. Moles that are moles, moles that look more like freckles but I call moles anyway because they're placed too far apart.
Whoever has heard of one freckle?

And because I have so many, I kinda turn into a hypochondriac because of all those scary cancer council warnings that tell you to watch your moles for changes in colour and shape.

They have really strange criterion:

If your mole has irregular edges.....

I don't know about you, but I'd be disturbed if I saw perfectly round moles.

It doesn't help that one of my friends is now dying of incurable melanoma.

Whatever the case, I don't really have time to keep track of all....oh, couple of hundred moles I have. So I don't really bother. But I sat down today and noticed that one of my moles has turned black. I remember it being a dark brown, and always darker than the other adjacent to it but it seems to have gotten darker.

At the same time, I'm kinda embarrassed coz the last time I checked a mole out, (one of my rare poppy uppy ones, AND it was pussy at the time) it turned out to be normal.



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