Tuesday, May 17, 2005

did I mention I was stressed?


I AM: strung like string cheese

I WANT: sleep, to lose weight, and for my chin pimples to magically disappear. Alternatively, just feed me coffee and chocolate.

I HAVE: no time. and a lot of work.

I WISH: I pass.

I HATE: hot weather, unventilated computer labs and end-of-semesters

I MISS: my brain

I FEAR: I will fail this entire frigging semester, that I am not being true to myself, and that I am being the most crazy slack person. and that I'm paranoid due to overwork and under-rest. My manager actually almost sent me home because she thought I looked 'overworked'. read: 'like a frazzled hobo squatting behind the counter clutching on to a glass of hot water with a kill-me-now look on my face craving chocolate and caffeine'

I HEAR: sprinklers, and my cheap but long-lived 8 year old bedside radio/alarm

I SEARCH: for articles on branding Tourism Queensland

I WONDER: if someone has invented living in parallel times simultaneously yet

I REGRET: nothing. I refuse to. ok. I regret being so slack earlier this semester.

I LOVE: my life. *dripping with sarcasm*

I ACHE: like an old lady. The only reason why I'd want a boyfriend is so I could twist his arm into giving me a massage 1st thing in the morning when I'm stiff as a corpse. and then yank me out of bed so I'd actually get work done. I feel like I'm dragging my carcass the length and breadth of town(gym/work/school)

I ALWAYS: need sleep.

I AM NOT: as skinny or as smart as I'd like to be at this point in time.

I DANCE: whenever I feel like it. I'd like more lessons though.

I SING: whenever I feel like it. And because I'm one of those people who hears lines of songs in sentences, that's ALOT.

I CRY: extremely un-prettily. I always wondered how those girls did it.


I WRITE: a whole lot of crap.

I WIN: I don't like competitions. I'm far too shy for them.

I LOSE: hmm. at a pretty reasonable rate now that I think about it.

I CONFUSE: everybody. and anybody.

I NEED: sleep

I SHOULD: be sleeping or researching or doing my essay


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