Monday, May 23, 2005

one day, I'll put up all the little messages MagicMan sends me that really makes me laugh.

We have a really funny ritual in International where if the class gets too boring, we send each other silly messages, each one more outrageous than the other.

I guess it all started in Campaigns last semester, and cemented itself in Media Campaigns, where we'd be totally pooped and looking for dinner at 9pm and going home at 4am, living in the computer lab where there was no ventilation because they turn it off at 6pm.

Sometimes, tired and frustrated, we'd suddenly burst out.

"Beccaz, you smell"

"Magicman, you shmell more"

"Ew, you just farted"

"It was the dog you poophead. Oh wait no, it was your breath!"

At 12.45am I suddenly received an MSN message from him.

A is for All Out Panic
B is for Buyer Behaviour
C is for CAN'T DO IT
D is for DUMB

I cut in

D is for Die
E is for Evil

he types

E is for Extension

I type

F is for Fail

he types

You got it Beccaz!!!

I continue

G is for GAH
H is for HELP!!!!!!!

Talk about word association. We did that all without even thinking about it.

all this before I tell him that E has indeed been granted, and it's due on the 6th. Instead I'm stewing over Advanced (due TODAY)

and how is that going Beccas?

Issues is giving me Issues, and advanced is giving me an advanced headache. *deadpan*

I shoot back.

We laugh.

Sometimes, it's just small things like that that really make my day.


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