Thursday, May 19, 2005

as I sat in class today, I let my hair loose from its ponytail

and pulled out a handful of hair along with it

there was a collective gasp from the class as I stared in disbelief at my hairtie for a while, before calmly picking the hair off from the hairtie.

I reached back and ran my hand through my hair.

only 5 more strands came loose.

People were freaking out.

"Stop doing that!" yelled one,

I looked quizically at her and did it again.

Only 2 strands this time

"It's not too bad" I said blandly

Listening to: The Verve- Lucky Man

edit: read my friends-only entry in lj for the lowdown on what really happened when I lied. (of course chalyz was there in online form for about 1/4 of the drama)


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