Wednesday, May 18, 2005

edit: I just emailed one of those "good work guys" emails to the group and told the two of them I lied to one of them. (are you following?) I CAN'T LIE!!!!! I SIMPLY CAN'T LIE!!!!! I have a terminal case of truthfulness!!!!

I lied last night.

I just realise this is the third time this year I've caught myself lying without even thinking about it.

In fact, that's when I lie. Not when I can and choose not to, but when I do so on reflex.

As soon as it came out of my mouth I realised what I'd done, but didn't say anything otherwise in order to keep the peace.

I realise that the two of them probably talked and found out I lied to keep the peace. and while they don't hold it against me (or don't seem to), I personally feel bad.


I don't lie. It's one of those things I don't do.

I can't believe I just lied like that *snaps fingers*


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