Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Listening to: Rachael Yamagata- Quiet

sharpelle corby gets 20 years and australians want their money back from the tsunami fund.

bloody in-fecking-credible.


Starbucks has ITS OWN SATELLITE RADIO CHANNEL nowadays. phwoar.

I walked in and heard the most glorious music, and it felt weirdly, like I was in America all over again. And it turns out, I wasn't far wrong, because the music is being piped through from the US.

In case you're wondering, no it wasn't something like Hillibillies Inc. or something (I'll admit to being partial to bluegrass music though) it was really old jazz standards.

Like...My Funny Valentine, Night and Day, that kind of stuff. and by the old school artistes. Dean Martin, Englebert Humperdinck, you know...those people. Somehow, this genre doesn't seem to take off much in Australia. Even Gold FM plays Rolling Stones. only Magic plays stuff like this. and it's....really grandma!


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