Thursday, April 21, 2005


1. Where do you live in Melb?

2. Where do you go to school in melbourne?

3. Name your faves melbourne eat outs:
Veg - The Veggie Place, FGY Art Gallery
Gourmet - Yu-U, The King's St Jap Restaurant
Thai - Ying Thai 2, and another near Glenferrie
Turkish - Sydney Rd
Indian - BISMI!!!!
Fusion - ooohhh...lots of places.
Chips - hmm. The Stork Hotel
Mud Cake - Cafe Grecos

4. Name your faves coffee houses/lounges:
That green overgrown one off Gertrude at the beginning of Smith, St Jeromes, Alumbra, Greville St, St Kilda, Flinders Lane, Block Place, and one called the New York Tomato in Richmond that I'd never be able to find myself. Oh Oh. Musn't forget the commercial ones- Brunettis, Dominis (only because the Keanu waiter works there), Medallion, Welcome Stranger (for late late nights), Jet Lounge, Hairy Canary, anywhere with lots of cushions or chandeliers. (and good music)

5. Shopping hunts in Melb:

6. Things to do on (rare) hot days:
take cold showers, complain and turn off all electrical appliances. hang round in shopping centres, apply for refugee status with friends, go for a swim in preston, close all my windows and pull all my blinds, work. (free air-con)

7. Things to do on (most) cold days:
go out. and/or sleep in (I wish!)

8. What do u hate most about Melbourne?
mmmph. the dodgy psychos.

9. What do u love most about melbourne?
its soul. oh. and the weather. 4 seasons in one day is right up my (famous melbourne) alley.

10. If Melbourne can hear, what would you say?
I love you.


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