Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Asian Values Induced Headache

You know when that cliche phrase about how you can take our land (bodies? something?) but you can never take our freedom was said, they obviously didn't realise it was both a good and bad thing.

Someone needs to tie my brain down. Give me blinkers. Something. Anything.

I was meant to FINISH this goddamn essay by Friday, and by that I mean, LAST FRIDAY.

Instead, here I am. 300 words into the bloody thing. I haven't even finished the introduction.

so much work, so little time, and my brain won't kick into gear.

or that's what I tell myself.

Stupid stupid me.

Listening to: Los Cojolites- El Conejo (The Frida Soundtrack)
Reading: Greg Sheridan- Asian Values, Western Dreams

the more I read about asian values, the less I wonder why Singapore has such an identity crisis.


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