Monday, May 02, 2005

happy happy joy joy


I'll promise myself 2046 once I finish International and get to a flying start with Issues.
which is hopefully by Saturday.

watched What The Bleep Do We Know? and found it.....strange. Not bad, quite good, but strange.

like it was an extended infomercial for New Ageism.

they got many of the science things right though, although I felt they kept trying to sell us (not tell) something. i.e. New Ageism.

interestingly the conclusion was made out by the only 'unqualified' person there- Radha or Rhamha or something. Which makes me wonder who the movie was funded by.

And those animated characters reminded me too much of school educational videos.

That said, I'm taking everything with a pinch of salt. I'm utterly suspicious of a movie that indirectly tells me any one religion is BAD for me.


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