Wednesday, May 04, 2005

there is a disturbance in the force

Listening to: Brother Brown ft. frank'ee- Star Catching Girl

have you ever had mass coincidences all converge at once?

About 2 weeks ago, I arranged to have lunch with an old primary schoolmate of mine (whom I'd *also* bumped into because she lives 2 floors below me)

As we walked down the street, we bumped into Peishan's kid brother- her coursemate.

So I asked after Peishan. she's good, she's in Chicago, yadda yadda yadda and all.

2 weeks later (read just now), I found Wannabe Lawyer's site which has links to a former high school classmate and another primary school classmate of mine (whom I'd also just recently found on flickr). And from this primary school classmate, ta-da! I found Peishan!

I could put it all down to Singapore and 2 degrees of seperation, but this is still tres cool.


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