Friday, April 29, 2005

I'm going slightly mad

actually make that, I AM GOING MAD.

bananas. cuckoo. losing my marbles.

whichever way you want to look at it.

I can seriously feel my screws loosening, and whiskers growing. Mad Hatter here I come.

nobody loves me
everybody hates me
think I'll go and eat worms

what do you think of chocolate people? if rasberry sauce were a person, who would it be? I think it'd be Dame Edna. Rasberry sauce people like choclate people. Squish squish squish. lalala. my colourless ideas are green. the pony's name was Starfire. if you drive a car backwards then would your fuel gauge go up? the wheels of the train go round round round. why round? they should go forwards. I'm a little teapot. The radioactive waves from my mobile are cooking my coffee. Frog mouths look like bubbles I want to pop. Can I inflate a frog and make him fly up in the sky? Up up up. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee. ewwwwwww.....gooey sticky exploded frog. they don't know how to equalise do they? I thought their insides would be dry because their skin was so gooey.

ARgh. argh. ARGH. ArGh. aRgH.



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