Friday, April 29, 2005


I got a crap mark for the presentation. GAH. 8.5/10

and at the meeting today he said "quite bluntly I don't think you know enough...not that it's your fault....because the topic is so big"

but I have the idea that it is. Because honestly, the information is out there. And I'm just not good enough to find it.

however, he did also say that he thought he was only getting bits of info. from my presentation - because I wanted to stay within the 10min mark! sheeeesh. he understood that but still gave me 8.5. *sighs*

and there's SO MUCH SHIT to do!!!!!! bleargh. Must finish other essay 1st, start on issues essay before beginning this one much sooner than planned. Otherwise NOTHING is going to get done.

Am I being too hard on myself? I don't think so. I think I'm just lazy.

*waves hands around*

man. Times like this, I really don't want a job.


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