Friday, October 21, 2005

spoke to a girl who was leaving today...about The Boss. and how he's really a big softie despite all his posturing. his badass demeanour just a foil for his mushy insides. and she mentioned she could actually see him crying over his girl.

she asked me what kind of guys actually cry over say...girlfriends leaving them.

and I said "guys who are relaly in touch with their emotions like Dude and Pecs, or guys who try and push it all down. So that when it rises up to the surface, it comes back in a wave"

she laughed a little, and I realised that hey boss is soft. really generously soft. Like one of those huge giant alsations that look scary...especially when they bound up to you and look like they'd chew you up and spit you out...but when you scratch them behind the ears, they just lean into you and stare at you adoringly. only his emotional repression only allows him to say "awwww" and give you a hug instead.