Saturday, April 02, 2005

I am an alley full of caterwauling cats, a litter of mewing kittens.

I stepped into the shower, and turned on the faucet.

Indulge. Says my bottle of shower gel.

So I did.

I let the water scald me, boiling hot water on a boiling hot day.

The hot vapour rising, the supposedly calming properties of neroli and ylang ylang permeating my skin.

Directly under the shower. The low rumble of water rushing past, but not into my ears.

Feeling the water slide down my hair, pulling it down.

I turned the water hotter.

Like somehow, all the feelings of selfishness and guilt and frustration would just bubble to the top, appear on my skin and slide away with the water, boiled and sanitised on contact.

Like somehow I could boil and santise myself against myself.

Like somehow, the low rumble of the water would become me. That water all around me, that breathing in hot vapour thick and almost solid would somehow make me become water. 2 molecules of hydrogen, 1 of oxygen.

Like somehow I would dissolve into a puddle and slide down the drain.

It didn't happen.

and all the while, Nat King Cole sings to me Quizas, Quizas, Quizas.


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